Easi-Riser Table with Standard Base

Product Details
This high quality Easi-Riser Table with Standard Base is suitable for care homes, hospitals and domestic environments.
It features an anti-trap mechanism which raises the table top automatically if it should come into contact with the user.
Its height adjustment mechanism is smooth and controlled using a simple handle.
Robust castor wheels make the Easi-Riser Table with Standard Base exceptionally easy to manoeuvre.
It has front and back lips to avoid items rolling off the attractive laminate table-top.
Table adjusts between 720 and 1100mm (29-44 inches).
Width: 930mm (37 inches).
Depth: 400mm (16 inches).
Weight: 25kg (4 stone).
Maximum total: 30kg (5 stone).
The Easi-Riser Table with Standard Base is a stable and hard-wearing overbed or chair table.