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Essential Aids in Partnership with the Stroke Association

Essential Aids

Essential Aids working with the Stroke Association, an amazing charity dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by stroke.

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Working with the
Stroke Association
The Stroke Association and Essential Aids - joining forces to provide equipment for the UK's 1.3 million stroke survivors

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Stroke information

Essential Aids is proud to be working with the Stroke Association. With stroke the largest cause of complex disability in the UK, we aim to support this wonderful charity by providing a comprehensive resource for equipment, but also deliver a reliable pool of information about stroke and its impact. Please note that the content of these pages has been checked for accuracy by the Stroke Association.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is a medical emergency that requires urgent treatment. It happens when the blood supply to part of your brain is cut off. Without blood the brain cells can be damaged or die.

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Who is at risk of stroke?

A stroke can happen to anyone at any time, even children, but there are some things, like your ethnicity and lifestyle, that make you more at risk than others.

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Signs and symptoms

If you, or someone else, show any signs of having a stroke you need to seek immediate medical attention. The FAST test can help you spot the signs of stroke.

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Treatment of stroke

A stroke is a medical emergency and if you have one you need to call 999 immediately. The quicker your stroke is diagnosed and treated, the better your recovery will be.

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Rehabilitation and recovery

Rehabilitation is about overcoming and adapting to the effects of your stroke, so that you can become as independent as possible. Aids and equipment can help you do this.

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Stroke Resources

This page shows various links to useful stroke related information, plus our collection of real-life 'stroke stories'. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to contribute.

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Your Stories Your Stories

Use of certain pieces of equipment can radically change the lives of stroke survivors. Below, some users share their experiences of items which have helped with rehab and dealing with everyday life.

With an estimated 1.2 million stroke survivors in the UK alone, we invite personal accounts from people who have experienced a stroke or care for somebody who has suffered one.

We believe that first-hand information is a valuable resource for people facing the new physical challenges which surviving a stroke can bring.

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Further Information

Aids for Stroke Patients | Equipment for Stroke Survivors | Aids for Stroke Victims | Rehabilitation Aids After a Stroke

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