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2004 est

Buying at Zero Rate VAT from Essential Aids

Essential Aids are pleased to be able to offer many thousands of items at zero rate VAT. These include incontinence products that are 0% VAT along with products marked as "with VAT Relief" that can be purchased at 0% VAT if you claim that VAT Relief.

You can only claim VAT Relief if you are Chronically sick or disabled (or buying on behalf of someone who is), or if you are buying for a registered charity.

The eligible products are indicated as such on the individual products concerned. Our suppliers tell us if the products are eligible for VAT Relief. They are products that were either designed for a disability or that are Class 1 Medical Devices.

If you are able to claim VAT relief because you (or the person for whom you are purchasing) are either chronically ill, disabled or buying on behalf of a charity, you will be given the opportunity to adjust the tax as you checkout of the website.

When you visit a product on this website, if it shows as a 0% VAT Rate, you can just buy it without paying any VAT. This is on Incontinence Pads for example.

If a product shows a price "with VAT Relief" then when you add that to the basket, there will be an option there asking "Would you like to claim VAT Relief?".

If you click no, we will add 20% VAT to that product. If you click yes, then we'll need you tell us more please.

If you are claiming on behalf of yourself or someone you care for, we'll need your name, the name of the person you are claiming for and the disability (or chronic illness) details. We only keep this information for HMRC VAT Inspectors to see - it will not be used for any other purpose.

If you are claiming on behalf of a Registered Charity, please enter your name, the Charity name, the Charity registration number and the Charity's address.

That's it! It is quick and simple.

Feel free to email us if you have any queries at all.

© 2025 Essential Aids ( Limited. Registered in the UK, Company No 05294779.