Electric Changing Table with Retractable Wheels
Light Grey Painted - 1520mm
Product Details

The Electric Changing Table with Retractable Wheels is a high quality adjustable platform designed for day-in, day-out use.
It is typically used in specialist schools or other units where changing tables are frequently needed.
With the individual on board, the height adjustment mechanism is switch operated and provides smooth lift.
The Electric Changing Table with Retractable Wheels is available with regular cot sides or padded versions.
The table is safe and stable while the changing surface itself is padded and has a waterproof cover which can be wiped clean.
Please allow about 6 weeks to deliver as these are made to order then need to be planned into a delivery. They are made in the UK.
It is available in two sizes.
Length: 1840mm (72 1/4 inches) or 1520mm (59 3/4 inches),
Weight: 105kg (16 1/2 stone).
Table width: 650mm (25 1/2 inches).
Height adjusts: 460-980mm (18-38 1/2 inches).
Safe load: 240kg (37 3/4 stone).