Lerman Non-Invasive Cervical Spine Halo
Product Details
The Lerman Non-Invasive Cervical Spine Halo stabilises the cervical spine.
It features a comprehensive jaw, occipital and forehead brace connected to an anterior torso shell.
The benefits of an anterior-only shell include a reduction in skin breakdown and the ability to fit the Lerman Non-Invasive Cervical Spine Halo whilst the patient is lying down.
A non-allergenic, non-slip material is used on the inner section, ensuring the brace adheres to the skin and stays in place.
It also helps to provide comfort and reduce pressure related injuries.
The Lerman Non-Invasive Cervical Spine Halo is useful for post-operative patients, but is specifically designed for situations where cervical spine fractures have occurred with skull fractures.
It can be used to maximise support and stability in situations where a traditional halo system is not suitable.
The Lerman Non-Invasive Halo can be worn during MRI scans.