Days Children's Double Adjustable Elbow Crutches

Product Details
This pair of Days Children's Double Adjustable Elbow Crutches can be configured to ensure maximum comfort for the child.
The length of the shaft between cuff and handle can be adjusted, as well as that of the main shaft.
With a lightweight construction, the paediatric crutches have non-slip, non-marking rubber ferrules.
The Days Children's Double Adjustable Elbow Crutches feature an angled neck to reduce strain on wrists and forearms.
The closed cuffs means the crutches do not fall to the ground even if the child loses their grip on the handles.
Handle to armband measurement: 170-220mm (6 3/4-8 3/4 inches).
Handle to ground measurement: 560-800mm (21 1/2-31 1/2 inches).
The maximum user weight for these paediatric crutches is 100kg (15 3/4 stone).