Rising Seats & Aids
Getting to your feet from a sitting position can be difficult if you are living with certain health conditions. Essential Aids Rising Seats section of mobility aids offers a range of innovative products which make the process easier. We supply cushions which physically push you upwards as you stand up, like the Easy Rise Booster Cushion. Alternatively, depending on your condition or disability, booster cushions may be a simple way of reducing the distance of travel between standing and sitting. If seat riser cushions don’t fit the bill, we also supply special furniture ‘feet’ which raise the height of the sofa, armchair or bed by effectively extending the length of the legs.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are rising seats and aids?
Who might use a rising seat?
How does a rising seat or cushion work?
Are there other aids in this section which make it easier to stand up or sit down?
What other mobility aids work well in tandem with rising seats?
Are riser cushions available to help get in or out of a car seat?