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Rehabilitation and recovery

  • What is a stroke?

    A stroke is a medical emergency that requires urgent treatment. It happens when the blood supply to part of your brain is cut off. Without blood the brain cells can be damaged or die.

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  • Who is at risk of stroke?

    A stroke can happen to anyone at any time, even children, but there are some things, like your ethnicity, lifestyle and other health conditions, that make you more at risk than others.

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  • Signs and symptoms

    If you, or someone else, show any signs of having a stroke you need to seek immediate medical attention. The FAST test can help you spot the signs of stroke.

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  • Treatment of stroke

    A stroke is a medical emergency and if you have one you need to call 999 immediately. The quicker your stroke is diagnosed and treated, the better your recovery will be.

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  • Rehabilitation and recovery

    Rehabilitation is about overcoming and adapting to the effects of your stroke, so that you can become as independent as possible. Aids and equipment can help you do this.

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  • Stroke Resources

    This page shows various links to useful stroke related information, plus our collection of real-life 'stroke stories'. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to contribute.

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Because every stroke is different, there is no set pattern for recovering from one.

A stroke can have a wide range of physical and cognitive effects.

Some common problems that people experience after stroke include:

  • problems with movement and balance
  • vision problems
  • swallowing problems
  • problems controlling your bladder and bowels
  • excessive tiredness
  • problems with reading, writing and speaking
  • problems with memory and thinking
  • emotional problems
  • changes to your behaviour

Your ability to recover and how quickly it happens will depend on the part of your brain that has been affected, the amount of damage that was done, as well as your own motivation to do everything you can to make the best recovery.

Rehabilitation is about overcoming and adapting to the effects of your stroke, so that you can become as independent as possible.

Rehabilitation should begin as soon as possible after your stroke.

Time and practice play an important role in your recovery.

The more you practise the more likely you are to relearn skills and adapt to new ways of doing things.

The team on your stroke unit will include a number of different health professionals, such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists or a psychologist.

They will work with you, your family and each other to assess the effects of your stroke and what that means for your rehabilitation.

While in hospital you will have daily sessions with your different therapists who will help you to relearn the skills you have lost and learn how to manage any longer term problems.

There is also a wide range of products specifically designed to make everyday tasks easier like eating, dressing and bathing easier.

When you're ready to leave hospital, your stroke team will work with you to agree and arrange the support you need to continue your recovery at home.

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