Topro Taurus Care Walker
Product Details
The Topro Taurus Care Walker is a unique walking frame with advanced design and versatile uses.
This walking frame aims to reduce pressure on the hands, while giving maximum mobility support.
The sturdy frame is made from aluminium, which is resistant to corrosion, lightweight, and very easy to clean.
It features padded armrests which provide support and comfort, and is height adjustable for users up to 2 metres tall.
The four durable wheels can all be locked quickly when needed, optimising user safety.
Ideal for use at home or in a clinical environment, four options of the Topro Taurus Care Walker are available to best suit the individual needs of the user.
Basic and premium models are available, which can either be height adjusted electronically or hydraulically.
The Premium Topro Taurus helps users to maintain an upright posture while walking, which creates safe support for the back and spine.
The Hydraulic Taurus Care Walker features gas springs, which make height adjustment quick and easy.
It also has the benefit of being compatible for use while showering.
The Electric Taurus Care Walker includes a rechargeable battery pack for the electric motor, which simply adjusts the height of the walker.
The Premium Taurus includes several modern features ideal for users requiring the maximum support while walking.
These include driving and parking brakes, adjustable handles, a lock and two aligning rear wheels which ensure a stable straight line of motion.
The Topro Taurus Care Walker is designed to give freedom and confidence in mobility to users, making the process as easy as possible.
Key User Benefits
- Steady and Safe Forearm Walker with Hydraulic Height Adjustment.
- Widely used by the NHS.
Product Specifications
- Handle height: 86.5-132.0cm (34 - 52 inches)
- Footprint: width 66cm (26 inches) x depth 78.0cm (30 3/4 inches)
- Turning circle diameter: 91.0cm (35 3/4 inches)
- Width between armrests: 34.0-45.0cm (13 1/2 - 17 3/4 inches)
- Wheel diameter: 12.5cm (5 inches)
- Hydraulic version: weight 18kg (2 3/4 stone)
- Electric version: weight 22kg (3 1/2 stone)
- Maximum user weight: 150kg (23 1/2 stone)