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Your Stories
With an estimated 1.3million stroke survivors in the UK, Essential Aids is keen to hear from people with first-hand experience of dealing with rehabilitation and everyday life after having a stroke.
As the leading cause of adult disability in the UK, we believe in the power of your stories to help improve understanding of the diverse nature of stroke and its aftermath.
Stroke oftern leads to a range of new physical challenges and despite the wealth of equipment available, it isn't always easy to identify suitable products.
We know from over 10 years of talking to our customers that the correct choice of aids and equipment can radically change lives for the better.
If you would like to add to this page with your own story, please email us at contact@essentialaids.com. Contributions can be made anonymously if that's your preference.
Kevin, 54, Huddersfield
Kevin sufftered a stroke aged 52 despite living an active and healthy lifestyle.
Janet, 78, Dorset
Janet experienced a stroke during the night in January 2015 and luckily her daughter was staying with her.
Maureen, 66, Hamersmith
Maureen’s movement, strength and ability to move one side of her body have been impaired.
Simon, 45, York
Simon experienced a Haemorrhagic Stroke aged 32 when he was mountain-biking in France.
Emma, 86, Cornwall
Emma had a stroke in 2010 and has needed various new items to adapt to her new condition.
Trevor, 80, Hove
Trevor had a stroke without warning in 2014 and had no existing health problems.